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Patent literature (1)
You can upload any patent documents (granted patents and published patent applications) you wish to refer to here. Please use the reference code shown when referring to this document in your observations.
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Non-patent literature (1)
You can upload any non-patent literature (e.g. scientific papers, brochures or internet publications) you wish to refer to here. Please use the reference code shown when referring to this document in your observations.
The EPO will need to be satisfied that this document was available to the public before the filing date (or, if validly claimed, the priority date) of the patent or patent application in question. If you have any further arguments which will help establish this, please mention them here. If you have any supporting documentary evidence, please upload each document as a separate non-patent document.You can also upload content which cannot be included in the text field (e.g.such as charts, formulas or drawings) as non-patent literature.
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Prior use (1)
If your prior art involves a prior use, please use this section to describe the exact circumstances of the prior use. Any evidence, such as affidavits, drawings or brochures, should be uploaded as non-patent documents.
When was the prior use made available to the public? |
What was made available? |
Where was it made available? |
How and to whom was it made available? |
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Common general knowledge
If you have any comments on the common general knowledge on the date of filing, you can add them here.
If you have any comments on the novelty of the claimed invention, you can enter them here. If you consider that the claim(s) lack novelty, please identify the novelty-destroying prior art (the claimed invention must be disclosed in a single prior art document only for novelty to be destroyed). Starting with the independent claim(s), identify the precise location in the prior art of the disclosure of each claimed feature.
If you consider the claim(s) to be novel but not inventive, please identify the closest prior art. Starting with the independent claim(s), identify the precise location of the disclosure in the prior art of each claimed feature that you consider lacks novelty.
If you have any comments on the obviousness of the claim(s), you can enter them here. We recommend that you follow the three steps of the problem/solution approach (Guidelines, C-IV, 11.7).
Inventive step (1)
Features known from the prior art :
Novel features not known from the prior art :
The technical effect caused by the novel features and/or
the technical problem solved by the novel features :
Reasons why it would be obvious to the skilled person to combine the features as set out in the independent claim :
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Further observations, (e.g. Articles 52(2), 53, 57, 76, 83, 84, 123(2) EPC, validity of priority date) :
Unallowable amendments (Articles 76 and 123 EPC)
The basis for amendments or for the divisional application must come from the application / parent application as originally filed. Your observations should refer to this version. Amendments and divisional applications must be based on subject-matter which does not extend beyond the content of the application as originally filed. Your observations should refer to this version.
If you have any comments on any aspects of the amendments which you consider contravene the requirements of Articles 76 and/or 123 EPC, you can enter them here. Please identify the precise amendments you are referring to.
Sufficiency of disclosure (Article 83 EPC)
If you have any comments on the sufficiency of disclosure of the claimed invention, you can enter them here. Please identify the specific aspects which the skilled person would be unable to carry out.
Clarity (Article 84 EPC)
If you have any comments on the clarity of the claimed invention, you can enter them here. Please identify the specific aspects which are unclear.
Further observations
If you have any further comments (e.g. Art. 52(2) and (3), 53 or 57 EPC) concerning the patentability of the claimed invention, you can enter them here. Please state the specific provisions of the EPC on which your comments are based.